You’ve set your resolution, maybe you’ve even started it! But getting your 2019 started right at work requires more than going to the gym twice a week…
Here are our top tips for getting the best start at work in 2019.
Start the year off right by taking care of yourself from the get-go, and we don’t mean just getting on the treadmill. Career burn-out is a real, serious thing and can take its toll not only on your long-term career goals, but on your mental health too.
A few simple things to start with:
Putting your well-being first allows you to be the best you can in all other aspects of your life, including work.
What do you want to achieve in 2019? Would you like a promotion? Or further training? A raise? Consider what is important to you and how this translates in your work life. Dream big, but then set in place a series of smaller goals that are attainable. For example, if you want to be promoted to Operations Manager, speak to your boss about what you would need to do to achieve that. Perhaps you would need further training, or prove your team management capabilities first, or hit more targets. Remember, be specific & keep them measurable.
Regardless, goals keep us focused and give us meaning, so speak to your boss and figure out how you can reach your goals in 2019.
This one is the easiest to do and yet when I look around our office, I see most people still have a tonne of clutter (yours truly included).
Having an organised, tidy work space is linked to decreased stress levels throughout the workplace. That’s right – your messy desk doesn’t just affect you, but everyone around you too.
Similarly, a cluttered desk recuses your productivity and efficiency. It’s not that surprising either – cluttered space means multiple distractions & extra time to find that piece of paper you wrote your client’s new email on.
So clean that desk! You’ll feel so much more organised and prepared.
Okay, this isn’t one that’s specific to the workplace, but it helps in all aspects of your life! A study by Oxford University concluded that being kind to others does in fact lift our mood & improve well being (refer to point 1). Scientists believe that this is because humans are social beings and genuinely care about the well-being of others, thus raising our endorphin levels when we see others who are happy, and is increased further when we feel we have contributed to that happiness.
It doesn’t have to be anything huge either. Something small and insignificant to you may mean the world to someone else.
Take a look at the below Tweets – they each display a small act of kindness that had a lasting impact on those who were on the receiving end.
This is arguably the most difficult on this list, however it’s worth the effort. Nearly every super successful entrepreneur has one thing in common – a mentor. That experienced someone who can show you the ropes, provide advice, constructive criticism, and can hold you accountable.
Your mentor needs to be someone you trust and are comfortable with, as you need to be open and honest with them, about both your achievements and shortcomings.
Start by utilising your current network and look for someone who is doing the things you wish you were doing. Not everyone will be open to being your mentor, nor will everyone be cut out for it, but don’t give up. Finding the right mentor may be the best thing you do in 2019, and the best thing you do for your career.
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