5 Ways to Maximize Time at the Office
Tahlia • November 9, 2021

Working from home can have its perks, but don’t underestimate the importance of being able to get out of the house and back into your work environment once more. While taking care of your children or other household duties can be rewarding, having time at the office can give you perspective on your work, help you get more done during your hours there, collaborate with colleagues and boost your productivity overall. Take advantage of these five ways to maximize time at the office to achieve these benefits and more!

1) Get Up Early

Working from home can have its perks, but don’t underestimate the importance of being able to get out of the house and back into your work environment once more. While taking care of your children or other household duties can be rewarding, having time at the office can give you perspective on your work, help you get more done during your hours there, collaborate with colleagues and boost your productivity overall. Take advantage of these five ways to maximize time at the office to achieve these benefits and more!

2) Give Your Commute Meaning

We all know a big perk of working from home is rolling out of bed and being at work. Unless you’re a parent, then it may not be so simple of course.

Giving your commute more purpose can be really helpful in starting the day off in a positive way. Perhaps it’s a new podcast you can listen to? A call to a friend? Maybe even getting some work done if your train ride is a bit long. Switching your thought pattern to view your commute as positive time and not wasted time will make you feel better about the day. Perhaps dropping in at a new local café can be added into your commuting time too.

3) Have a Dedicated Work Space

According to a recent Fast Company survey, 43% of employees never or rarely use their desk for work purposes. Instead, they use it as a place to eat lunch, do personal work, answer phone calls from friends and family members, and any number of other reasons.

If you’re going back to an office after being away from it for some time, or if you have a new job where you plan on working in a shared space, dedicate your desk specifically for your work. Not only will having one make you more productive; it will make you feel more professional, too.

4) Plan Meetings in Advance Where Possible

Pre-plan your meetings to save time. There will likely be more free flowing conversation initially with meetings being in-person again, however if you have a schedule to follow, you’re more likely to do so.

Make your time in the office even more useful by allocating some face to face time with colleagues – Go for lunch, get a coffee. Maybe a walk after work or a walking meeting? Try not let those catch ups affect your work hours as this can interfere with productivity, and you’ll wonder where all the time has gone.

5) Embrace the Change

One of your first thoughts about going back to work in the office is probably a mixture of anxiety and excitement. Don’t envision being cooped up inside a stuffy cubicle for hours on end, nose deep in assignments! It’s a (somewhat) new world out there and it’s time we embrace being around our colleagues again.

The first couple of times back in the office may be less productive (catching up with everyone) but give it some time and plan it out. Save your collaborative work for in the office and the spreadsheets for home!

While working from home has benefits – less commuting time – so does your office environment. Keep these tips in mind as you enter that familiar office routine once more. And enjoy it!


“Humans are social beings, and we are happier, and better, when connected to others” Paul Bloom

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