Kevin  Chandler

Non-Executive Chairman

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About Kevin

Kevin provides invaluable industry and strategic advice in his role as Non-Executive Chairman of Cox Purtell.

As a co-founder of the formerly ASX listed Chandler Macleod Group, Kevin’s background is in computer science and organisational psychology with 40-years+ experience in the field. He is widely recognised as an Australian innovator in the field of human performance & recruitment & is experienced in growing businesses from start-up, through to listing and sale via $1bn staffing and recruitment company Chandler Macleod Group.

Kevin co-founded AbilityMap, a highly innovative HR Tech SaaS application, born from his lifelong desire to bring science to the typically subjective field of human capital management.

With the release of Ability Map (, he and his team made a major breakthrough in identifying how to improve the accuracy of job placement, addressing the 32% of the working population who are probably in the wrong job.

His specialties include business building, performance management, & leading high performing professional & executive teams.

Kevin also Chairs Baillie Asset Management, Booma Indigenous Foods, Nominations Committee for Golf Australia, and is previously a Director of Nanyang Ventures.

Kevin has been Non-Executive Chairman of Cox Purtell for over 5 years & provides exceptional industry insight & advice to James and the Cox Purtell Leadership Team.

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