Cox Purtell – Best Employer Brand 2018
Tahlia • October 22, 2018

Earlier this month, we were honoured to be receive The Global Recruiter’s Best Employer Brand award.

We work really hard to communicate our story & values with our clients and candidates (both potential and current), so it’s great to hear that it’s paying off! Moreover, every single person at Cox Purtell has contributed to this – from accounts, to marketing, to each individual consultant. Every time we interact with someone outside the company, we are saying something about who we are as a company and as individuals. We have always said it and will continue to say it – a company brand alone is no longer enough. It’s the responsibility of every employee.

Thanks again to Global Recruiter for the award and congrats Team CP for all your efforts!

Cox Purtell – Best Employer Brand 2018New Paragraph

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