I have talked about how evolution applies to the everyday professionally and personally in previous blogs. How a species is forced into dire circumstances, and they are forced to either evolve and change to survive or die. This is the same for many of us as we face challenges throughout our careers and in our personal lives, albeit not as severe.
The only way we grow and develop, get smarter, stronger, healthier is by being placed into situations that push us outside of our comfort zones and challenge us. If you have a growth mindset you might understand what I am talking about. If you are of a fixed mindset (let’s be honest with ourselves now), but you would like to have a growth mindset, here is some of what I learned through my own experience that might help.
Embrace Change
Nothing worthwhile is ever going to come easy, so if we shy away from a challenge or put it in the “too hard” basket, we simply won’t accomplish much. Always keep the outcome front of mind and remind yourself you will be fitter, stronger, richer, smarter at the end. It is the rough times that get us to the better times, so embrace adversity and change and be grateful for them.
There Will Be Road Blocks, Move Them!
Perhaps you are trying to lose weight, or to buy a house, or maybe it’s getting the job that could make your career. Rarely will it be a one step process in achieving that goal. There will always be road blocks. Many people (including myself) will reach for the escape button when they feel the first, or second, or third sign of struggle. Losing weight doesn’t come without dietary sacrifice and pushing your body to the limit during exercise. Getting the dream job doesn’t happen unless you are put through your paces throughout your career, and without a series of tough tests and interviews. Life is about overcoming obstacles and challenges. No one is the exception to this rule, no matter who they are. Stop crying, put on your big kid panties, and roll up your sleeves. Never give up, they are only road blocks!
Take Ownership of Your Mistakes
Mistakes are going to happen. You may need to make several to reach the goal you set yourself. That’s okay! Mistakes are an opportunity to learn and should be celebrated. It’s not a reason to drown in self-pity and blame “extenuating circumstances”. The only way to learn from anything that didn’t go as planned is to ask yourself, what could I have done differently?’.
Change the Things You Can, And Accept What You Can’t Change
2016 was not my year. When I reflected on the year that was with an open mind, I realised that the majority of what made that year crap was within my control to change. I made a list of everything that didn’t go my way, and next to each point I had a strategy for how I could change or prevent that from happening again. Anything that was beyond my control (there wasn’t much) I left in the past, where it belonged. I had an absolute cracker of a NYE with loved ones in Bali, said cya later to 2016, and welcomed 2017 with open arms, open mind and open heart. I came out of that year smarter and happier than I was before.
2017 on the other hand, was the polar opposite to my 2016. It didn’t come without it’s roadblocks and challenges, but where I don’t succeed, I see an opportunity to strategise.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin
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