The Importance of Employee Recognition and Appreciation
Tahlia • February 22, 2022

Recognition can be very powerful when it comes to employee retention and motivation. Those who feel appreciated tend to work harder, which can increase the chances of success in the workplace. They also tend to be happier, which in turn can reduce turnover rates, improve their productivity, and boost their satisfaction with their jobs.

Recognition of their efforts may be all anyone needs to feel appreciated. Knowing that their hard work isn’t being overlooked or unappreciated by management can have a big impact on how happy they are at work, and how motivated they are to do good work in the future as well.

Why Do Companies Need to Provide Recognition?

People tend to thrive in environments where they feel appreciated, supported, and recognized for their hard work. By taking time to celebrate a job well done or acknowledge an employee’s individual contributions, businesses can help boost morale among their teams and create a more positive working environment for everyone. In fact, recognition is one of five key components that are crucial for engagement.

How Can Companies Provide Better Recognition Programs?

When considering what employee recognition programs to implement, it’s important for companies to consider how their current staff will react. Sometimes, a new program can be implemented seamlessly, but other times some may need some convincing. If your company doesn’t have an internal recognition system in place already, you might ask yourself: what would make everyone receptive to a new one?

Everyone wants to feel appreciated for their work, which is why so many companies offer additional vacation days or monetary rewards for years of service.

But what we really want is a chance to share in their company’s success. Employees are more invested in their job when they can see themselves making an impact on a business, regardless of how large or small that impact may be.

What Makes an Effective Program?

According to a survey by Global online workplace provider ComPsych, recognition is often an afterthought. One in five employees surveyed said they never hear anything positive from management. The most common type of recognition that’s offered is a token gift or small bonus, but only 17% believe that has any effect at all. Instead, most would prefer to be told specifically what they are doing right, and how their efforts are making a difference for everyone involved.

Other Ways to Get Noticed

It is important for a company to not only help their teams feel happy about working there but to also thank them when they have helped candidates or clients have a better experience. Companies can do little things like sending flowers or thanking an employee in front of his or her peers. Being recognized can be something that will make everyone want to work harder, so they are noticed more often by their co-workers and managers.

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Margaret Cousins

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