Are you up to date on the latest employee benefits?
Tahlia • May 2, 2022

In today’s world, the way people work and interact with others has changed dramatically, and many employee benefits packages have struggled to keep up.

More and more companies are having to contend with employees who want more flexibility in how they work, who want to be treated like individuals rather than numbers and who want to be involved in their company’s direction so that they feel an intrinsic sense of loyalty toward it.

There has also been an increase in the number of employees who are looking for work-life balance and stress-reduction measures, such as mindfulness training and meditation rooms at work.

We’ve got a list here below to help you ensure your employee package is up to date!

Flexible Working

If a traditional work environment doesn’t fit in with your schedule, then flexible working may be an option for you. This is also a great perk for employees who have children or caring responsibilities. Rather than having a set number of hours they need to be at work, they can choose when they log in and do their work – as long as it gets done of course! And, yes – flexible working means not only time off-site, but also some time at home.

Emotional Support

Mental health is just as important as physical health and is something many employers are fortunately now taking more seriously. One of the biggest ways companies are supporting their employees’ mental wellbeing is by offering them time out. This could be anything from a few hours off here and there to ensuring they take their allocated annual leave.

It’s becoming increasingly common for companies to also offer staff counselling services at an in-house clinic or provide mindfulness courses that help people manage stress levels.

Mental Health Days

In these stressful times, more and more employees are turning to mental health days to cope with everything from new babies and relationship troubles, to too much work at too little pay. If your employees are getting sick more often than usual, your benefit packages may need an update. Today’s professionals are not only expected to be incredibly productive in their time on the job—they must also be able to maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle outside of work as well.

Wellbeing Packages

Believe it or not, employers can save more money by looking after their employees’ mental health and wellbeing. Having employees that feel mentally and physically looked after will of course lead to reduced absences and improved employee engagement.

By instilling a wellbeing package at your company can really save you in the long run.

Retreats & Hobbies

Balance is a huge part of taking care of yourself. If your life is only filled with stress and working, it can be easy to forget what you love and what’s important. Retreats or hobbies are great ways to refocus your attention on things that matter while also relaxing at times. Meditation, hiking, painting and even taking a dance class could all be great escapes in your life if they’re something that feels right for you.

Office Perks

Perks for employees are very important, but many employers neglect to follow through with perks that benefit both employee and company. Focusing on your office environment as a perk will be far more effective than simply buying a coffee machine.

If you’re not quite sure where to start, here are some ideas 1) Offer flex hours so employees can choose when they come into work, 2) Support longer breaks where employees can do exercise to keep energy levels up, 3) Add free healthy snacks in your workspace, 4) Bring in a masseuse as a treat for your employees. Or any other creative idea you can think of!

Mental Skills Training Workshops

Mental skills training is not just for elite athletes or even professional sports teams. It’s for anyone with a goal, and is sometimes all that separates someone who can achieve their goals from someone who gives up.

A good recommendation is visualizing your goal as already achieved—and in doing so, this helps make it happen. This may sound crazy at first, but research backs him up: Studies have shown that when people visualize themselves succeeding at an activity they want to master (e.g., running a marathon), they perform better in real life than those who don’t use visualization techniques.

Appreciating Your Employees (& Their Families)

A lot of companies have adopted employee benefits programs that go beyond what is typically offered by big corporations. Many employers now offer working from home policies (as mentioned), gym memberships and free snacks at work. Some companies even implement a bring your kids to work day once a year. If these sound appealing, it may be time for you to update your employee benefits package.

However, just because many companies are adopting these perks does not mean that they are right for every business.

Trusting Employees To Work Efficiently & Well Together

Today’s companies don’t just have one employee; they have a team of people working together towards a common goal. Trusting your employees with both work and personal tasks can benefit everyone in your company, especially when it comes to achieving results.

In addition, new benefits are being added every year. It’s a lot of information for a company or organization to process, especially if they aren’t up-to-date on current trends and what other businesses are doing with their own employee benefits programs.

Remember: treat others as you’d like to be treated!

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