I’m sure we’ve all had days when we feel as though we just can’t get anything done, no matter how hard we try. While it may not be realistic to have every day be awesome, productive, and successful, it’s within our grasp to keep most of our days in that realm. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your day (while keeping your cool).
Getting up earlier
You've heard it before, the early bird catches the worm. It can be beneficial to set your alarm earlier to capitalize on those early morning hours by exercising, meditating or even simply taking some time for yourself. Starting your day right sets you up for success straight away.
Staying organised
This is really important, even if you are someone who never files away an email (who are you!). Everyone could use a little extra time, whether that means taking a few seconds every day to make sure you check off your to-do list each morning or setting aside dedicated time during your week for planning. The more you stay organised, the more effective you’ll be. Plus, items are less likely to fall off the agenda and be forgotten.
Starting Work on Time
If you work from home, it’s easy to start working too early. Or before you should be. Then your mind is tired by mid-morning, and it can be hard to recover. Setting a simple alarm clock or timer for when you should get started each day can help improve your productivity and happiness levels.
If you work from an office, there may be a few reasons why you struggle with getting to work on time. Perhaps traffic is a problem, or it takes longer than expected to get out of bed and ready for work. In those cases, it’s worth considering starting your commute earlier so that you’re more likely to arrive on time and remain calmer.
Creating Space in Your Life for Hobbies
Instead of checking email at night, try doing something for fun. It will help your mind relax and you’ll feel better about yourself. And if you’re more in touch with your hobbies, it will be easier to integrate them into work – ultimately making you a more well-rounded person and employee.
After all, people are more productive when they enjoy what they do.
Taking Breaks at Work
Have you ever noticed that when you’re doing something you love, time just melts away? Breaks don’t have to be extra long. Just a few minutes can re-energize your workday and give you more than enough time for a quick walk around your office building or down to get coffee.
Sure, some people think taking breaks at work is counterintuitive—but it could actually help them stay focused and energetic throughout their workday.
Dealing with Procrastination
The truth is, that procrastination has many benefits. It gives us a chance to decide if we really want something or not. If we don’t have time for something, it will only distract us from what we are doing. And yet... and yet... procrastination can often lead to feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. So how do you get motivated when you need to work on a project?
Here are some practical steps you can take
• Ask yourself why you are procrastinating: Are you avoiding something because it's boring? Are you afraid of failure? Do you feel like your skills aren't up to par with others? Is there an underlying fear that your boss won't like your idea? Once you figure out why then ask yourself if these reasons are valid. Sometimes our reasons for putting things off are simply excuses we use to avoid taking action.
Getting Help When You Need It
Don’t struggle alone—you don’t have to. If you need some assistance with a particular aspect of your life, seek out help from someone with expertise in that area. It could be an idea for work, how to start exercising, or how to handle a specific situation at home. There are people everywhere who want to share their knowledge and experience; take advantage! Remember: we don’t know it all, and we certainly aren’t expected to.
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